Tuesday 24 September 2013

DYI Crafts: Plant Bunting, Map Canvas/Picture Canvas and Jewelry


Mini Plant Bunting

wooden skewers
variety of washy tape
some type of thread to string across

After potting a cute plant, place your wooden skewers in the pot. I personally liked it when they were pointed at an angle out so I could have more bunting. Measure out your thread to be a few inches longer on each side so you can tie it to skewers. Cut it and lay it down in front of you. Depending on how long you want your bunting flags cut pieces of washy tape in a variety of colors. I first cut them all the same length and then folded them in half onto the thread. Once you have them placed on your thread cut a triangle out of each tape to make it look like cute little banners. Now tie each side to your skewers, leaving a little bit of give so it hangs down. TADAH!! Don't forget to water your cute plant ;)

Map Canvas/ Picture Canvas
(modge podge still drying in this picture)

canvas of any size
maps to cover (these were copied from an old atlas)
modge podge
sponge paint brush
small heart (optional)
acrylic paint (optional)
letter stamps (optional)
Varnish (optional)

Cut out maps to fit your canvas. It is ok to overlap maps. You want to also make sure you leave enough to cover the sides of the canvas. Paint modge podge with sponge paint brush onto canvas and lay down your maps. Make sure to put the bottom layers on first! After covering your canvas with maps, add a layer of modge podge to the top of your maps to secure. Smooth out any large bubbles. Don't stress about the bubbles, they dry smaller and aren't very noticeable from far away. Let this layer dry (I waited 30mins) and then add another coat. Once second coat is dry you can add any extras such as hearts on where you were born, words etc. I stamped letters on or you could free hand paint as well. Add one more layer of modge podge to the top. You can add varnish and buff in if you are looking for more of a rustic look.

After making this I went on a rampage of making canvas pictures as well. This is even easier! Have pictures printed in a size to fit a canvas. Paint sides (I spray painted but could also use normal acrylic paint). Modge podge the back of picture... make sure to put extra around the edge to make sure it sticks. Add two layers of modge podge to the top (matte or glossy depending on your taste). DONE!
DYI Jewelry
Variety of beads and charms
Jewelry pliers (you can get sets at walmart for under $10)
Jewelry pins
Rings to attach
Take rounded pliers and curl pin around it, making a tiny circle. Add a bead to the circle and then pinch closed. You may want to add 3+ beads to their own hoop then attach to a ring.  You can add charms to rings as well.